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Amazon Emotions
A sentimental-photographic guide to the amazon ecosystems

    Francisco Ritta Bernadino
    Photography by Leonide Principe

    Paperback 2nd edition 1998
    ISBN: 85-87074-02-4 (English)
    Dimensions (in inches): 0.45 x 6.25 x 9, 224 pages

Glossary with 105 entries about the regional language and its terms

In this second edition, Francisco Ritta Bernardino, mastermind of the ecological tourism complex Ariau Amazon Towers, shows a more insightful picture of the Amazon Region, which includes new information and an enhanced glossary which will make the regional language and its terms easier to be understood by readers. Captions are now enlarged and contain clear information on the photographic topics.

Leonide Principe, a professional photographer, has devoted himself for ten years to restlessly searching for beautiful Amazon subjects. Experience achieved in countless expeditions featuring the Amazon Forest, he steadfastly improved his techniques to capturing what he defines as a "happy instant" of each detail.

Therefore, this edition is nearly the double size in comparison to the first edition and it better conveys the sentiment and purpose of the authors entitled: Amazon Emotions - a sentimental-photographic guide to the amazon ecosystems.

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